Prenatal, birth, postpartum
1009 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, TX 78602
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Hello! Are you interested in joining our Doula team?
Are you an inspiring Doula or do you have experience already? We love our Doulas at The Bastrop Birthing Center!
But we are also looking for the perfect fit for our wonderful families!
We care very dearly for our patients and work very hard to take the best care of them. So with this in mind we are very picky with who we bring in to share in the care for them. We encourage you to look through our entire website to get a good feel of the kind of support we offer.
What benefits are there to joining our team?
1. Getting to work with a dedicated team that cares about you and is fiercely supportive of each other
2. On call rotation so you are able to know when you are free and when you need to be available. Way more convenient then being on call 24/7
3. Built in back up system. So if you need support we are here for you!
4. The opportunity to do rotation call and take private one-on-one clients of your own.
5. A community space to offer classes, meet ups and other gatherings to our patients and the public!
6. Offer our patients specialty services that you have to offer: belly binding services, massage (if you are licensed, of course), postpartum support, lactation support or something else you are professionally trained in to provide a service for. without having to pay us a precentage!
7. Get Paid to do what you love to do! Pay is based on services rendered : Because we do not guarantee any sort of expected number of clients you will get with us we highly encourage our doulas to take on their own clients to supplement their income. We are not creating a doula collective nor do we make money off of the doulas we take on. In fact, we allow our doulas to advertise their individualized additional services with no fees paid to us.
We encourage all of our patients to get doulas and most do not. Sometimes due to cost, sometimes due to not knowing how or where to get started. We are offering in house support to give our families the opportunity to get a doula from our call rotation or hire one of them individually because they want the one on one support. We want our patients to be supported. period.
What do we expect from our Doulas ?
1. Prior Doula training. Certification is not required but training and competency is a must
2. Doulas are required to be 100% ready and available for all on call days
3. Come prepared to births and remain professional
4. Utilize continuing or specialty training to further your education and better your skills
5. Have a reliable vehicle, and plenty of back-up childcare
6. Only take personal clients if you understand that our patients are always a priority no matter what during on call days
7. Have a practical knowledge of what the demands of being a doula fully entails and how much dedication is needed
8. Attend all meet the Doula and Midwife nights as well as some classes we offer
9. Must be at least 18 yrs old
After reading through the Eligibility & Expectations sections below you find you are interested in pursuing this process, please complete the online application via the contact form below.
​We will contact you within 2 weeks of receipt of your completed application. If we feel it may be a good fit, we’ll schedule an in-person interview/orientation with one of our midwives.
Eligibility -
Doulas must have completed an approved Doula training program. We do not require certification but we do require you to be competently trained and have knowledge to support our patients fully
Doulas must be fully aware of what the role of a doula is and what it is not. Doulas know they must NEVER provide medical support to anyone, even if they are a student midwife and never directly argue with any hospital staff in the event of a transport but instead know how provide knowledge and support to make sure the family is always in control of the information and feels taken care of.
Students must have completed a Cultural Competency Course (online course accepted) within the last 2 years. (if you have questions regarding this, please contact us) Being an ally is very important to us and doulas of color are always given priority with our practice to make sure all families feel supported!
Doula's must have 24/7 access to a personal vehicle and cell phone, and be able to live an “on-call” life. Doula’s must be reachable by phone and text 24/7 when on call, and available to leave for the birth quickly once called and be with the mother within an hour of them requesting support
Doulas with children must have childcare arrangements available during on call periods as well.
Requirements -
Only Doulas interested in staying with the practice long term and commit to a minimum 12 months will be considered. The first 90 days are considered a probationary trial period. After the initial 90 days, the Midwife and Doula will sit down for an evaluation of their time together and mutually decide if their time there should continue.
Doulas are required to be present for all appointments they are scheduled for on the rotational schedule. The Doula is required to be on time to every appointment, dress professionally and never protray our practice in a bad light
We have a training/study program for doula's and students work hard to earn their apprenticeship. By joining our practice you agree to always help students learn and grow. They will sometimes accompany skilled doulas during their training and doula's may sometimes be required to participate in the doula training classes! This not only helps us as a team, but also gives you a change to practice and improve your own skills through helping others learn.
When you attend a birth in any capacity, you are required to also be present for the follow-up postpartum visits. Because birth happens at unpredictable times, that may mean that a postpartum home visit falls on a day that is not typically a on call day. You can do your best to coordinate with your schedule if possible, it is ultimately scheduled at the convenience of the client
Wear proper “business casual” attire for clinic days. (No flip flops/ragged jeans/tank tops), Wear "birthing" attire to births such as shirts that have sayings about birth or doulas. Tennis shoes/other closed toe shoes are required. You must always have a back up set of clothes in your car.
When called to a birth, the doula is expected to stay with the patient until at least a min of two hours after birth