Prenatal, birth, postpartum
1009 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, TX 78602
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Birthing Center Support
We offer a personalized holistic experience. Our focus is helping you have a nurturing, educated, HEALTHY, natural experience with the belief that healthy healing from birth starts in pregnancy.
Our prenatal care is community, whole body and family based.
Offering group and private classes, yoga classes, childbirth/breastfeeding education, herbal consultations, referrals to acupuncturists/chiropractors/pediatricians, and so much more!
After laboring in the comfort of your home, you make the short tip to our beautiful birthing center to give birth. Where we offer the community a natural alternative birth place.
We believe that pregnancy and birth are normal, healthy events in the life of a family. We believe that women are STRONG.
Our birth Center is stocked with all the emergency equipment that may be needed. Oxygen, medications to stop bleeding, and any other tools that are commonly helpful.
While attending your birth, our experienced birth team of midwives and trained birth assistants combine the ancient tradition of midwifery with the evidence-based practice of modern medicine. We believe that every woman has the innate wisdom, power and sensibility to birth her baby naturally. Birthing naturally empowers women and transforms families. Our midwives and birth team trust in your strengths and wisdom as a woman and soon to be mother to create your own transformational dream birth. We offer care for pregnancy with a holistic approach using natural alternatives, good nutrition, whole body health, movement, herbs and plant based healing.
During your birth we can be as hands on or hands off or as hands on as needed depending on your support needs. During your prenatal visits we talk a lot about what kind of birth you want.
We love for mamas or their partners to catch their babies. Delayed cord clamping is always the normal and we trust your body to birth your baby. After your birth we make sure mom and baby are taken care of before sending you home to rest in your own bed. The average stay after baby is born is 3 to 6 hours.
Water birth? We LOVE water births!
Water births are a wonderful option for many families. Laboring in the warm water can be a soothing form of pain relief and can also be a peaceful transition for the birth as the baby moves from “water to water.” Having the option of water is lovely whether you choose to give birth in the tub or just decide to labor in it.
Waterbirth has been shown to:
In the later stages of labor, the water has been shown to increase the woman’s energy.
The effect of buoyancy lessens a mother’s body weight, allowing free movement and new positioning.
Buoyancy promotes more efficient uterine contractions and improved blood circulation resulting in better oxygenation of the uterine muscles, less pain for the mother, and more oxygen for the baby.
Immersion in water often helps lower high blood pressure caused by anxiety.
The water seems to reduce stress-related hormones, allowing the mother’s body to produce endorphins which serve as pain-inhibitors.
Water causes the perineum to become more elastic and relaxed, reducing the incidence and severity of tearing and the need for an episiotomy and stitches.
As the laboring woman relaxes physically, she is able to relax mentally with greater ability to focus on the birth process.
Since the water provides a greater sense of privacy, it can reduce inhibitions, anxiety, and fears.
At the birth center every room as a birth pool or tub ready and available for you to use.
Prenatal Care
Prenatal care with a midwife is quite different from the obstetric model of care.
Your prenatal visits are scheduled for an hour and normally there is no long wait times for your appointments.
In that time, we do the medical portion of the visit and also go over any choices available at that point in your pregnancy.
It is a setting where safe maternity care is provided to low-risk women.
We offer the same genetic screening, blood tests, ultrasounds and newborn procedures as you would be offered when seeing a hospital-based care provider, but these are always optional and never required. We believe in Informed Choice, and trust that if we provide our families with the information needed to make decisions, they will choose what is right for them. Once you are thirty-two weeks pregnant, our visits increase to twice a month, and at thirty-six weeks we see you weekly until your baby is born!
Postpartum Care
We will continue care in the postpartum period, visiting for about an hour or longer for each visit, and spending time with you until all of your questions are answered. We will stay with you for 2-4 hours after your birth and see you after the birth at one day (approximately 24 hours), three days, one week, three weeks. We will see you for your six week visit in our office, which includes a full annual exam for you and the baby.

Birth Center Birth Package
$5000.00 (uninsured out of pocket cost)
Have your baby in the comfort and coziness of our beautiful birthing center!
What we offer:
Complete prenatal care through the whole pregnancy
Nutritional consulting
Lab work. Ultrasound referrals
Childbirth education
Birth support / Water birth
Newborn metabolic screening
Normal newborn care for 6 weeks
Birth Certificate filing
Family Planning after baby
Well-woman exam and pap postpartum
The coziness of home away from home with the competence of thorough, comprehensive care -
Tranquil, Calm, Supportive, Educated and Private