Prenatal, birth, postpartum
1009 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, TX 78602
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Meet the Doulas Night
Mon, Oct 30
Do you know what a doula is? They are like a birth coach, or a trained best friend to help you in labor. Doulas provide support for the whole family during birth but also help families prepare for birth. Learn more about our Doulas and what kind of support we over for your birth center birth, home b

Time & Location
Oct 30, 2023, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Bastrop, 1009 Chestnut St, Bastrop, TX 78602, USA
About the event
Do  you know what a doula is? They are like a birth coach, or a trained  best friend to help you in labor. Doulas provide support for the whole  family during birth but also help families prepare for birth.
Learn  more about our Doulas and what kind of support we over for your birth  center birth, home birth or even your planned hospital birth. Our Doulas  offer support to families wanting better experiences, informed consent  and overall more hands on emotional/physical support.
We will go over questions like: What is a doula and how is it different than an OBGYN/Midwife? What does a using a doula look like and why it is different than having support from family and friends? You  will get to hear about all the services our Doulas offer, get to meet  our whole Doula team and get some hands on intro of how Doulas are  amazing.
Come see if doula support is right for you.
Free  doula meet ups with information about our care packages will be held  one or two times a month and are open to everyone in the community.  Partners and support people are welcome, no registration needed. Parking may be limited at the center but you are welcome to park around the corner in the neighborhood!